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To make a gift, select a fund and click on the Donate Now button.

Grace Street

Grace Street opened August 1, 2023 as the Midshore's sole recovery community organization (RCO) and helps reduce overdose deaths by filling gaps in services with peer-based, non-clinical supports for people affected by substance abuse. Grace Street is founded and led...

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Healthy Families Midshore

Healthy Families Mid-Shore is a free and voluntary home visiting program that services Queen Anne’s County, Talbot County, Kent County, and Caroline County. The purpose of Healthy Families is to help relieve some of the stress of having a new baby and coping with...

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Matt’s Friends

To encourage students in Talbot County to pursue their passion in the areas of music and the arts, in loving memory of our son Matthew Evan Murr.

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TomCat Solutions

TomCat Solutions is dedicated to reducing the number of free-roaming, stray and abandoned cats on Maryland’s Eastern shore, by supporting the effective practice of trap-neuter-return, and low cost spay/neuter. By removing cost as a barrier to such services and...

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