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You can make a credit card donation to any Chesapeake Charities fund on this website. To pay by check, please make your check payable to “Chesapeake Charities” and mail to the address shown at the bottom of the page.

To make a gift, select a fund and click on the Donate Now button.

TC Shore

To educate and encourage young women between the ages of eight and nineteen and to provide opportunities for the personal growth through the development of field hockey skills, team training, and competitive play, so that each can reach her full athletic potential.

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Team Chesapeake

Team Chesapeake provides opportunities for the personal growth of young women between the ages of ten and eighteen so that each can reach her full athletic potential.  Through the development of field hockey skills, team training and competitive play, Team Chesapeake...

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TomCat Solutions

TomCat Solutions is dedicated to reducing the number of free-roaming, stray and abandoned cats on Maryland’s Eastern shore, by supporting the effective practice of trap-neuter-return, and low cost spay/neuter. By removing cost as a barrier to such services and...

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