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Partnering for Youth After School Program

In its 22nd year, providing academic, enrichment and recreational activities for students directly after school dismissal. The two-hour programs are funded by grants, contributions, fundraising activities and student enrollment fees. Caring adults who are school...

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Partnership for Youth Success

The purpose of this fund is to expand the vital role that businesses, families, neighborhoods, congregations, schools, and youth organizations play in the healthy development of Calvert County's youth.

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Paso a Paso

To support the impoverished communities in Guatemala by providing educational opportunities, after school programs and nutritional support.

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Patrick & Eileen Fogarty Legacy

Patrick and Eileen Fogarty Legacy Fund is a donor advised endowed fund established by their daughter. My parents, Pat and Eileen Fogarty, moved to La Plata in 2007 to be near me and their two grandchildren. My mother had a series of health problems and it made sense...

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Poetry X Hunger

The Poetry X Hunger fund promotes the use of poetry in reducing, preventing, and eliminating hunger. Please help Poetry X Hunger turn poetry into food! Visit this YouTube video and vote for it with a thumbs up.  Any winnings will be donated to an anti-hunger...

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Price Community Club

The purpose of the Price Community Club is to improve the condition of the Price Community Club, a historic structure built in the 1890’s as a schoolhouse for Queen Anne’s County children.  The Club plans to begin a modernization project which will include updating...

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