To provide support to the American Cancer Society to further its charitable mission, the eradication and care of cancer in Charles County, Maryland.

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By Category
Blackie Wills Community Leadership Fund (BWCLF)
Through education, awareness, volunteerism, fundraising, and grant making, the BWCLF supports opportunities for all people to get their basic needs met and create a better future for families in Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. The BWCLF is particularly focused on...
Charles County Library Fund
The Charles County Library Fund supports capital improvement projects of the Charles County Public Library.
Charles Regional Medical Center Foundation Legacy
The Charles Regional Medical Center benefits the University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center.
Community Foundation of Southern Maryland Legacy Fund
The Community Foundation of Southern Maryland Legacy Fund enhances the quality of life for the community of Southern Maryland by aligning philanthropic interests with community needs through stewardship, collaboration and charitable giving.
Community Foundation of Southern Maryland Operating Fund
F. George Heinze Family Fund
Julie A. King & Raymond J. Cannetti Fund
Newcomb-Hart Library Foundation
The Newcomb-Hart Library Foundation supports the Charles County Public Library's technology projects, and purchase of materials, furnishings or equipment for capital building projects.
Patrick & Eileen Fogarty Legacy
Patrick and Eileen Fogarty Legacy Fund is a donor advised endowed fund established by their daughter. My parents, Pat and Eileen Fogarty, moved to La Plata in 2007 to be near me and their two grandchildren. My mother had a series of health problems and it made sense...
Phil & Mary Woodruff Charitable
The Phil & Mary Woodruff Charitable fund provides humanitarian needs in Maryland
Sisters at Heart Fund
The Sisters at Heart Fund supports women and men who are diagnosed with breast cancer. This local, grass-roots group of survivors and supporters was established in 2007 with the mission of promoting breast cancer awareness in the community, as well as supporting men...
Southern Maryland Women’s League
The Southern Maryland Women's League promotes, strengthens and supports women and issues in the areas of health, education, economics, and other related issues.
St. Francis Xavier-Newtowne
Built as a simple frame structure in 1731 so as not to be noticed at a time when Catholic practice was suppressed, St. Francis Xavier church’s simplicity has been its strength. While plain on the outside, the interior of the central wooden section of the church boasts...
United Way of Charles County
Voice of Indian Head
To strengthen and support the Indian Head community and surrounding communities in Charles County, Maryland.
Zonta Legacy
To support agencies in Charles County who work to prevent violence against women.