Calvert Community Foundation (CCF) is a non-profit resource that provides community groups a simple, accountable method to fulfill their philanthropic missions. Tax deductible donations to CCF will assist community based programs that support the needs of Calvert...

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You can make a credit card donation to any Chesapeake Charities fund on this website. To pay by check, please make your check payable to “Chesapeake Charities” and mail to the address shown at the bottom of the page.
To make a gift, select a fund and click on the Donate Now button.
By Category
Calvert County Commission for Women
Calvert County Commission for Women seeks to support and improve opportunities for women and girls in Calvert County. The Commission recognizes their contributions and achievements through the annual Women of the World celebration.
Calvert County School Foundation
The Calvert County School Foundation provides additional funding opportunities, beyond tax dollars, to unique resources and innovative opportunities for learning for every child in Calvert County. Through the promotion of creativity, critical thinking, and engagement...
Cancer Comfort Angels
Cancer Comfort Angels is a faith-based organization that provides Cancer Comfort Kits for those diagnosed this cancer. We have provided over 2000 cancer patients with kits all over the country to help them through their journey. A Cancer Comfort Kits consists of a...
Cancer Comfort Angels Scholarship
To support scholarships for graduating seniors from Queen Anne's County schools. 2023 Cancer Comfort Angels Scholarship Application
Caring and Sharing
The “Caring & Sharing Fund” started in 1992. It helps residents of Q.A. Co with housing, utilities, medical, etc. in emergency situations.
Carole Cascio Fund For Mind Movement Dance Connections
Our mission is to introduce students of all age levels to connecting mind, movement and dance, and support developing artistry in young people through choreography and dance.
Caroline County Public Recreation
The purpose of this fund is to foster the support and engagement of individual and community public recreation to benefit the citizens of Caroline County through the programing, services, parks and open spaces produced and/or coordinated through Caroline County...
Caroline County Veterans Memorial Tribute Fund
The Caroline County Veterans Memorial Tribute Fund was established for the construction and maintenance costs associated with a Monument installed on the grounds of the Gen. James F. Fretterd Community Center in Denton, Maryland. This permanent tribute is meant to...
Center for the Military and Veteran Family
To provide accessible and free resources uniquely tailored to the needs of military members and veterans, their families, and their caregivers.
Center on Revitalization and Preservation
Dedicated to empowering communities across Maryland to thrive through innovative, inclusive, and sustainable development initiatives. By providing tailored technical assistance, fostering collaborative partnerships, and offering comprehensive training, we aim to...
Centreville Main Street
The purpose of the Centreville Main Street fund is to revitalize, promote, and preserve, Centreville’s designated Main Street and its business community as a whole. Centreville Main Street is the only designated and accredited Main Street program in Queen Anne’s...
Character Counts! Kent County
Character Counts! Kent County, an independent non-profit organization is the leading character education program in our local schools and community.
Character Counts! Queen Anne’s County
Character Counts! was established in 2000 as a response to the rising school and community violence experienced across the nation during the year of the Columbine School shootings. This county-wide initiative seeks to provide character development and mentoring in...
Charles County Library Fund
The Charles County Library Fund supports capital improvement projects of the Charles County Public Library.
Charles County Public Library Capital Campaign
Charles Regional Medical Center Foundation Legacy
The Charles Regional Medical Center benefits the University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center.
Check Yourself Talbot
To support programs that provide positive and safer drinking choices among young adults.
Chesapeake Charities Community Endowment Fund
Chesapeake Charities Unrestricted Fund
To support more than 130 local charities and non-profits in the areas of animal welfare, the arts, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, historic preservation, and youth.
Chesapeake Creative Wellness Inc.
To provide music and art activities for those who suffer PTSD and anxiety issues.
Chesapeake Public Television
Chesapeake Public Television supports programs that educate and entertain residents in the Chesapeake Bay region.
Chesapeake Women’s Network
Chesterfield Cemetery Fund
The Chesterfield Cemetery Fund is a committee working to maintain and improve the Chesterfield Cemetery for the benefit of the community.
Cody A Morris Memorial Skilled Trades Scholarship
The Cody A. Morris Memorial Skilled Trade Scholarship was established by Cody's family after he died tragically at the age of 21 and was not able to complete his education. Cody was curious about the world around him, loved science in all its forms, and nothing...
Cody Micheal Lacey Scholarship
The Cody Micheal Lacey Scholarship supports scholarships to alternative high school or trade school students in Southern Maryland.
Community Foundation of Southern Maryland Legacy Fund
The Community Foundation of Southern Maryland Legacy Fund enhances the quality of life for the community of Southern Maryland by aligning philanthropic interests with community needs through stewardship, collaboration and charitable giving.
Community Foundation of Southern Maryland Operating Fund
Community Wellness Solutions
To provide workshops on family and community wellness as well as individual and group therapy for those who may need this service but are unable to afford it.
Concordia Chapel Fund
Cooper-Grebmeier Family Fund
The Cooper-Grebmeier Family Fund supports the donors' interests with an emphasis on environmental and humanitarian causes.
Corsica River Conservancy
The goal of the Corsica River Conservancy is to restore and preserve the Corsica River and its watershed and to reduce pollution, contamination and loss of habitat to a level which would remove the Corsica from the official list of impaired rivers. This goal is being...