Cody A Morris Memorial Skilled Trades Scholarship

The Cody A. Morris Memorial Skilled Trade Scholarship was established by Cody’s family after he died tragically at the age of 21 and was not able to complete his education. Cody was curious about the world around him, loved science in all its forms, and nothing pleased him more than discovering how things worked. Cody was not pursuing a traditional college education but instead was acquiring skills on the job as he considered which of the trades he would specialize in. The funds in this scholarship are intended to support those students who plan on following a similar path. It is intended to ease the financial burden of getting established in a skilled trade. Stipends will be granted for expenses such as tuition, tools, safety gear, exam fees, or other relevant costs.

Cody grew up on Kent Island on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He loved his friends and the communities surrounding his hometown. It is important to Cody’s family that the scholarship money is granted to residents of Queen Anne’s County to honor those closest to his heart.

Cody A. Morris Scholarship Application